Wednesday, 6 April 2011


There are so many wonderful things about the internet that it seems a pity to harp on the down side. However ... One of the more debatable virtues of the 'net is the ability of anyone to express themselves and potentially reach a large audience. While it sounds like a good idea, there is also the fact that most of us have very little to say. As a long term veteran or the internet I can appreciate the downsides of widespread authorship. Remember web pages? Millions of personal sites, filled with keywords and little else, cluttering up searches for pretty well everything. Nowadays we have blogs, millions and millions of blogs, including this one. Everyone can have a blog, whether they merit one or not. There is a very well worn adage about how everyone has one good novel in them. Personally i feel that is nonsense. As evidence i would submit that most people don't even have a good blog in them.
   So what the hell am I writing a blog for? I know for a fact that i don't have anything close to a novel in me. As well, i am not under the illusion (delusion) that i have anything original to add to the millions of amateur editorials out there. I lack the wit of Mark Steyn (who can make me laugh and cry at the same time) or the dedication of  Ezra Levant  (you magnificent bastard, I read your book!) or the fellow behind Blazing Cat Fur ( does he ever take a break?) or the spirit of kathy Shaidle (more on her later) or Ann Barnhardt (she's my new hero).  I am not an activist, a zealot or even all that savvy about politics.
   So why the heck am I cluttering up the net?  While it may be vanity (or is it hubris) I do feel like i sometimes have a thought or two worth relating to the world. In order to do so i have a limited number of venues.
  I can continue to rant at my family. As good an (captive) audience as they are, it is rather unsatisfying preaching to the choir, since i have long ago impressed upon them that i, as their father am always right. Besides, i am beginning to suspect that some of my favourite themes are less than popular with today's youth (ie they are bored).
   I can continue to contribute to the various comments sections of the sites i regularly read. While I found this to be fun (at first) it was never satisfying. It is very difficult to present a complete argument in the space provided. As well, my contributions were always lost in the stream or comments, usually without even elicited any response from the author of the article, or even the other (crazy-ass) commenters. Also, comment wars are really lame, digressing as they tend to do into ad hominem attacks or debates on semantics. Also, i can never remember where i have posted stuff, so i can't even check back on them.
    I could engage my friends in debates or otherwise 'treat' them to my views on things. I have found that this approach happens to shrink ones friend pool. People tend to associate with folks who share their views for a reason after all. It doesn't help to shoot holes in their pet theories at get togethers or to point out how stupid their last status on facebook (or 'liked' site for that matter). It is perhaps a subject for a whole other post but how exactly are you supposed to stay friends with someone when they support something you think is evil incarnate?
   I could write a book.  HAHAHAHAHAHAH!  How likely is that from a guy whose brain can't sit still long enough to READ a book more than a two chapters at a time?
    Soooo, its the blog. After all, it has all the advantages:
                                                                               I can say what i want.
                                                                              No one is going to read it (hence no death threats).
                                                                              No one is going to read it (hence no CHRC complaints).
                                                                               I can delete posts from people whom i hate.
                                                                               I can write as much or as little as i want.
     And only one disadvantage :
                                           It does contribute to the overall clutter of the blogosphere (but i                                           I am selfish and thus unconcerned about this one).
So if you happen to be one of the (very) few, the proud who read this blog, welcome to my exercise is self absorption.  And, if i should learn to express myself coherently, and maybe some spelling, so much the better!

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